Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro

Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro

For help and advice on replacing or collecting Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro call us on 01926 512402, or for general information on buying discontinued china, read our Essential Guide.

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5.0 (4 reviews)
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Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Reviews

5.0 (4 reviews)
Jan 16th
Mrs Carol Wilson
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Breakfast / Lunch Plate
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Breakfast / Lunch Plate
I really like the size of this plate. Helps with portion control!
Jun 14th 2018
kerry j kemp
Isle of Man
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Plate
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Plate
Bought them when originally issued, thus a well known and tested brand. The additional ones purchased were merely replacements for breakages.
Jun 14th 2018
kerry j kemp
Isle of Man
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Bowl
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Bowl
Purchased when first issued, this well tested and stands the test of time. Only repurchased due to breakages.
Oct 12th 2013
Verified Customer
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Serving Bowl
Royal Worcester Jamie Oliver - Retro Serving Bowl